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Experts agree that the decline in death rates from heart disease in the United States is probably due largely in part to the public’s adopting a healthier lifestyle. Many deaths associated with heart disease are preventable. The key to prevention of coronary heart disease is related to many aspects of lifestyle. By modifying lifestyle factors, individuals themselves, hold the key to lowering their risk for developing and preventing illness and death from heart disease.
The American Heart Association offers the following recommendations for lowering your risk of heart disease:

  1. Quit smoking. Cigarette smoking is considered the biggest risk factor for sudden cardiac death. Smokers’ risk of heart attack is more than twice that of a nonsmoker. Smokers’ who do suffer a heart attack are more likely to die than nonsmokers who have a heart attack are. By quitting smoking, an individual can immediately reduce their risk for heart disease.
  2. Control your blood pressure. High blood pressure (hypertension) increases the workload of the heart. Over time, the heart muscle become weakened and begins to enlarge. This increases the risk of heart attack, congestive heart failure, stroke, and kidney failure. Adults should have their blood pressure checked regularly. Medication may be needed when lifestyle changes are ineffective in keeping the blood pressure within normal range. The goal for blood pressure is 140/90 or less.
  3. Control your blood cholesterol.As levels of cholesterol rise in the blood, the risk for coronary heart disease increases. By adopting a diet that is lower in saturated fat and cholesterol, coupled with an increase in physical activity, it is often possible to reduce your cholesterol levels. When diet and exercise alone prove ineffective in reducing your cholesterol level, medications may be needed. Optimal blood cholesterol levels are LDL (low density lipids or "bad cholesterol) less than 160 mg/dl if no more than 1 risk factor is present or LDL less than 130 mg/dl if 2 or more risk factors are present. HDL (high-density lipids or "good cholesterol") greater than 35 mg/dl and triglycerides less than 200mg/dl are recommended.
  4. Increase your physical activity. Regular, moderate to vigorous intensity exercise plays a significant role in preventing heart disease. Studies have shown that moderate exercise, when done regularly, is beneficial in reducing your risk for heart disease. Regular exercise can also help to reduce your blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure, as well as decrease your risk for developing diabetes and obesity. It makes sense to become more physically active. Check with your doctor to see which type of exercise is best for you (visit healthAtoZ’s Fitness Center).
  5. Maintain and achieve a desirable body weight. Persons with excess body fat are more likely to develop coronary heart disease. Obesity not only puts undo strain on the heart muscle but it can adversely influence blood pressure, blood cholesterol levels, and increase your risk for developing diabetes. Even modest weight loss (10-20 pounds) can reduce your risk of heart disease. A body mass index of 21-25 is recommended. 
  6. Consider estrogen replacement. Postmenopausal women are advised to talk with their doctor about the risks and benefits of estrogen replacement therapy. A decision on whether or not to begin estrogen replacement therapy should be made jointly, by a woman and her doctor, based on a woman’s overall risk factors for coronary heart disease and other existing health conditions.
  7. Maintain normal glucose levels. Diabetes increases your risk of developing heart disease, even when your blood sugars are kept under control. If you have diabetes, it is very important for you to monitor and control as many risk factors for coronary heart disease as you can. If you do not have diabetes, get your blood sugar checked regularly to screen for this disorder.
  8. Attempt to control the amount of stress in your life. Some researchers have noted a connection between coronary heart disease and stress. Although scientists still do not know exactly how stress might increase your risk for heart disease, it is generally considered wise to try to avoid stressful events, especially if they seem to contribute to other unhealthy behaviors like over-eating, smoking, or increased alcohol consumption.

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